By Rob Parnell
How would you like to always achieve your writing goals? And what's the easiest way of making any of your dreams a reality?
The following article is based on a book in my collection by Henriette Anne Klauser - bestselling author of "Put Your Heart on Paper" and "Writing On Both Sides of the Brain."
I was initially drawn to "Write it Down, Make it Happen" because the philosophy agrees with my own. Here's Henriette's proven advice on writing life and success, abridged for your enjoyment:
If You Know What You Want, You Can Have It
Jim Carrey once sat in the Hollywood Hills, overlooking the city, and wrote himself a check for ten million dollars. He carried the check with him for years, until a real one replaced it.
Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert empire, used to sit in his office cubicle and write "I will become a syndicated cartoonist" fifteen times a day - until it came true.
Personally I had a mega “to do” list on a whiteboard in my old office a few years back. I found it the other day and realized that I'd somehow managed to achieve everything on it - even the seemingly wildly impossible stuff - without consciously working towards the objectives I'd outlined back then.
Write it Down, Make it Happen
Writing down your goals, whether you do it 15 times a day or just once a year, has the effect of solidifying their reality. It's a practical approach to getting things done - but it's also an act of faith. If you believe that good happens and that the universe is somehow conspiring to help you, it will.
As soon as you can, write down a list of everything you want, even the crazy impractical things. Write fast and make the list as long as you like. Don't feel you have to be “realistic.”
Successful people do this all the time - sometimes without being aware of its mystical elements. CEOs of Fortune 500 companies note down mergers and takeovers they'd like to happen. Actors and screenwriters sign deal memos for huge movies yet to be made. Unknown writers create worlds that will go on to inspire millions - and become merchandising product in their local supermarket!
Watch for Signs
Accept that the world around us changes all the time. It adjusts to the aims and wishes of the people that inhabit it. Writing down a goal creates a new reality space that the universe has no choice but to accommodate - even in some small way.
It's not always a super fast process, but it is happening. Look for clues, follow where they lead, and be conscious that coincidences pop up for a reason.
Putting a goal in writing awakens your mind to possibilities - it's asking your subconscious to wake up and pay attention to your needs. Listen for the little things that pique your interest - is this your brain's way of saying, "Look, isn't that what you said you wanted?"
Trust Your Instincts
Once you have written down your goals and dreams, you can start on the small stuff. Write down what you want today or next week, even if it's "I want to meet an agent" or "I want a new car" or "I want someone to give me money." You're setting in motion the life you want each time you write.
Get a small notebook that you carry with you all the time. Write down the inspirations you get. Make a note of your idle whims. Create lists of the things you need to happen. Outline projects.
And of course use the book to make notes on story ideas, novel plots and any non-fiction topics you might want to develop.
Then relax. Let go - and enjoy your daily life.
Get Ready to Receive
This whole process is really a reminder that you are in control of what you want. In these days of economic depression, it's important to remain focused on what really matters to us.
I've been getting a lot of emails recently from people (in the US in particular) that are losing their jobs and generally experiencing hardship they never asked for - or had any notion would be visited upon them.
I remind them that the same thing happened to me. I was sacked from a job I hated anyway back in 2002. I panicked and went through the usual gamut of emotions associated with the fear of poverty and failure.
But I also took it as sign: To take it for what it was - a new opportunity to create a better future. I used my sense of fear and trepidation to make a commitment to writing that was stronger than any I had taken previously.
Instead of moping around or signing on with new employment agencies, I made lists of serious writing goals that I wanted to achieve - not least becoming self sufficient through writing so I would never have to go back to the insecurity of a day job.
What can I say? It worked for me. And I sincerely believe it will work for you. Writing it down somehow makes it happen.
It's a process. Something you, as a writer, can easily do, and start now. To this day, I still make lists of my goals - all the time - because it works.
Make it a habit - and you'll never look back. I promise.
Best regards and keep writing!
Rob Parnell is a prolific writer who’s published novels, short stories, and articles in the U.S., U.K., and Australia, and a teacher who’s conducted writing workshops, critique groups, and seminars.
Please visit Mr. Parnell’s Web site at:
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1 comment:
thank you for this article. I haven't written down my goals and dreams for a long time, and now I've started a list.
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