Thursday, July 10, 2008

Writing Fiction Lesson 101 Video


Anonymous said...

Mike, your posts are brilliant. The thing most stands out for me is Julia Cameron's comment about making paper mache monsters to deal with fear. Mine right now would be bigger than my truck. And I'm wondering, since I have no experience (basically) with the internet. Do you feature and writer's course or courses I can take on my lap top. I am a truck driver and I can make weird hours work and set up my moving schedual to accomodate this, but I can't be anywhere for a workshop. Thanks so much. Wesley R. Irvin

Donna Sundblad said...

Hi Mike,

Enjoyed your video. It's the basics. I remind people of these same items regularly. Reading is an important part of writing, but without the BIC factor you're only a reader and not a writer. If you don't write, you can't submit. For me, setting goals each month and week helps me practice BIC with a target in mind.
