New Media Venture Turns Bloggers Into Print Journalists
By Chris Snyder
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As old media races to catch up with the Web and figure out how to successfully monetize print content online, one publication is taking a drastically different approach: web to print.
The Printed Blog, a startup founded and funded by former business productivity software entrepreneur Joshua Karp, is launching a twice-daily free print newspaper in cities across the country aggregating localized blog posts.
“Why hasn’t anyone tried to take the best content and bring it offline?” said Karp, who thinks print media is far from dying.
“[For] people around the world, who need to and want to consume information, whether it be in developing countries or emerging countries, newsprint is still going to be a main mechanism for information for years to come,” he said.
The hope is that the hyperlocal content will attract local advertisers who can spend less to reach out to their target audience. Ads are relatively cheap in comparison ($15-$25) and the paper has already lined up a number of Chicago-based businesses for its debut. It will also host classified ads.
The first issue is expected to launch on Jan. 27, handed out at three CTA stations around Lincoln Park and Wicker Park in Chicago and one location in San Francisco. A New York edition is due out shortly.
While the cost of printing alone -- not to mention two issues a day -- seems daunting , Karp says he would surprised if he spends more than 15 thousand dollars on the entire production and distribution of the first paper.
There are currently nine people on staff, mostly unpaid interns. The printing is done on commercial printers located near each distribution point. Each 11x17-inch paper will be three pages, six sides in full color. And the ultimate goal is to automate the production process as far as aggregating the stories into the separate editions, with the ability for readers to vote on which blogs appear in the next issue.
They’ve been actively reaching out in preparation for launch on various social networks, including Twitter and Flickr and will incorporate them into the feedback and voting process.
It’s sort of a Current TV model for print news.
Some bloggers -- without betraying a hint of irony -- have denied the paper of the right to republish their posts, but Karp says the overall response has been positive. What blogger or photographer would turn down an offer for more exposure, especially in the confines of a luxurious printed page?
“We’re not necessarily looking for the people who have a readership, we’re looking for compelling content in a variety of areas,” said Karp. “The person who’s an industry expert, the person who worked for a campaign and is blogging about it, the person who has some insight into our financial system, the person who has been a principal at a high school and has something to say about education.”
Karp admits The Printed Blog is an experiment for now, but he is optimistic in its success and with the low production costs it isn’t much of a risk. With old media struggling to stay afloat, any experimentation with new business models is better than doing nothing.
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